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Feline Herpes Treatment At Home: Natural Remedies For Your Cat

Is your cat struggling with sneezing, nasal discharge, or other symptoms of feline herpesvirus (FHV-1)? Are you looking for a natural antiviral for cats? Treating feline herpesvirus at home with natural remedies can offer relief and help prevent recurring flare-ups. Since 2005, Ask Ariel has been helping cats manage herpesvirus naturally. Over the years, we’ve seen how natural remedies and diet changes can bring significant relief to cats suffering from herpes and other viruses. Our supplements and expert diet tips can help you manage feline herpesvirus at home, while also offering natural treatments for other common feline viruses like calicivirus, FIV, and FeLV.

Understanding Feline Herpesvirus (FHV-1)

Feline herpesvirus (FHV-1), also known as Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR), is a highly contagious virus that affects cats, especially in multi-cat households or stressful environments. It is the leading cause of chronic respiratory issues in cats, causing symptoms like sneezing, nasal discharge, rhinitis, and conjunctivitis. Cats are usually exposed to FHV-1 as kittens, and while many recover from the initial infection, the virus remains dormant in their system and can flare up during times of stress or illness. This flare-up can lead to virus shedding, posing a risk of infection to other cats.

More than half of all cats carry FHV-1, though not all show symptoms. In some cases, long-term FHV infection can cause complications such as FHV-associated dermatitis (inflammation and ulcers around the nose and mouth), as well as issues affecting the reproductive tract and complications during pregnancy.


"Boris is my (now) 10 year-old domestic medium haired cat. He's a gentle and loving boy. He's had issues with allergies and feline herpes since he was 1 year old, which manifest in sneezing and runny eyes with discolored discharge.

A couple of years ago, I found Ask Ariel. Boris was switched to a novel canned food source and I put him on Power Probiotic and NOT Drops in addition to his daily l-lysine. These keep his eye issues mostly under control on its own, and I can definitely tell when I've skipped a dose. Thanks for helping my Bobo!" - Pamela, Illinois

Common Symptoms Of Feline Herpesvirus

  • Chronic upper respiratory infections
  • Runny nose and nasal discharge
  • Watery eyes, eye discharge and/or conjunctivitis (eye inflammation)
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing and difficulty breathing
  • Vomiting or loss of appetite
  • Fatigue or lethargy

Cat herpes symptoms (as well as other viruses) can come and go. When the virus is reactivated by stress, a weakened immune system or illness, the cat will become infectious and can spread the virus to other cats. This is called “shedding” the virus. It can be shed by saliva, nasal or eye secretions or blood.

Eye Conditions Linked To Feline Herpesvirus

Feline herpesvirus commonly affects a cat's eyes and can lead to the following conditions:

  • Conjunctivitis - Swelling and inflammation of the eyelid tissue. Can cause squinting and discharge.
  • Keratitis - Inflammation of the cornea layer of the eye. Can cause ulcers or sores on the cornea. Eosinophilic keratitis is an immune reaction that causes white spots on the cornea that can lead to blindness.
  • Corneal Sequestrum - Brown or black spots on the cornea. Caused by tissue dying off.
  • Dry Eye (Keratoconjunctivitis sicca) — The tear glands in the eyes do not produce enough tears. Can cause eyes to become dry, red and inflamed.


"Stripe is an amazing cat. Ever since a kitten, Stripe had it rough! He nearly died when he was a month old, he was gravely ill out of nowhere. Fast forward a couple of years, I noticed him throwing up and screaming. I took him to the vets and he was diagnosed with stomatitis! Well, I didn't know what stomatitis was, so I researched and got meds. Stripe was still ill, so I took him to the humane society where he was diagnosed with FIV. I freaked out, but nevertheless, he's my son, so I thought we have a fight in hand. Stripe and I have been through a lot and I wholeheartedly love him, so I vowed never to give up and then I found Ask Ariel which has been a life saver for my handsome fur baby." - Turhan, Florida

Stripe uses Power Probiotic and QUENT Anti-Viral Drops

Feline Herpesvirus Treatment At Home

Treatment of feline herpes virus, FeLV, FIV and FCV are generally supportive and depend on the symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment can help with recovery, so please be sure to check with your veterinarian if you think your cat may have FHV or another virus. Some cats my need antiviral prescription medications to help ease the symptoms and make the virus latent. Oral or ocular antibiotics may also be required in some cases as feline viruses cause weakened immunity which can lead to secondary infections.

While there is no cure for feline viruses, the goal of feline herpes treatment at home is to reduce the frequency and severity of flare-ups. Here are a few treatment ideas that may help your kitty with feline viruses feel better:

  • Probiotics & Immune Support Supplements - Probiotics can help to rebalance the gut and immune system. A recent study showed that some cats who supplemented with a probiotic had reduced clinical symptoms of FHV-1. Using a natural antiviral for cats can help to reduce flare-ups.

  • Lysine - Lysine is an amino acid that is often recommended for managing feline herpes virus symptoms. It helps to reduce the replication of the virus, potentially lessening the severity and frequency of flare-ups. Lysine supplements can be mixed with food or given in a treat form.

  • Drinking Water - Keep your cat hydrated by providing fresh water at all times and encouraging them to drink.

  • Stress-Free Environment - Common stressors for cats may include household changes (like the addition of a new cat or dog, change to work or feeding schedule, etc.), a vet visit, or loud noises. Provide a comfortable and low stress environment for your cat, as stress can weaken their immune system and make symptoms worse.

  • Low-Inflammatory Diet - To help strengthen your cat's immune system, feed your cat an antiviral diet that reduces inflammation. Feeding foods that contain potential allergens, chemicals and grains can lead to increased inflammation and act as a trigger for the virus. Feeding a high-moisture, hypoallergenic novel protein diet can help.

  • Warm, Moist Environment - Cats with nasal congestion and discharge can benefit from a warm, moist environment. Consider letting your kitty sit in a steamy bathroom or use a humidifier.

  • Hygiene - Clean the eyes and nose of your cat regularly to reduce the spread of infection and help clear mucus. This can help to reduce skin irritation from discharge.

Over time, as you reduce exposure to chemicals, allergens, stress and sources of inflammation, and provide antiviral supplements, your kitty’s viral episodes should be less frequent and not as symptomatic. It is important to note most viruses will remain in the body, and during times of stress (either physical due to other illnesses or emotional), flare-ups will occur, but by strengthening your cat’s immune system, you can control the extent to which the virus affects your cat’s overall quality of life.

Immune Booster For Cats With Herpes & Other Viruses

Immune Support Kit - The Immune Support Kit in an effective treatment for cats with sneezing, viruses, sores, coughing and upper respiratory infections.

  • Easy to use drops (with minimal smell and taste - no alcohol)
  • Fight infections to reduce nasal discharge and sneezing
  • Clears up sinuses, nasal tract and improves breathing
  • Gentle, natural remedies that can safely be used on an ongoing basis
  • Acts as an immune booster for cats with herpes and other viruses.
  • Contains three tasteless, natural remedies that provide relief by calming infection and inflammation.

  • Power Probiotic - Backed by scientific research, probiotics are immune boosters for cats with FIV, FeLV, herpes and other viruses. Power Probiotic's multi-strain formula promotes the growth of friendly bacteria, which are essential to a healthy immune system. Why is this important? The majority of your cat's immune system resides in the intestinal tract. Using Power Probiotic is essential if your cat has taken steroids or antibiotics, as these medications reduce the population of friendly bacteria. Friendly bacteria fight off pathogens, bad bacteria and viruses in an effort to keep your cat healthy. The powder from the capsule can be sprinkled on food or eaten by itself. Many cats love the taste.

    Immune Harmony - A unique patented sterol supplement for cats that provides long-term immune support. Helps to rebalance the immune system, reduce inflammation and fight chronic viral infections such as FIV, FeLV, feline herpes, and chronic URIs. Plant sterols help to increase T-cell activity - the "natural killer cells" that destroy pathogens and remove damaged or infected cells. This makes it an ideal feline herpes treatment at home. Scientific research involving cats with FIV showed that plant sterols helped infected cats maintain stable immune numbers, compared to disease progression in untreated FIV positive cats.*

    *Reference: Research study: Plant Sterols and Sterolins: A Review of Their Immune-Modulating Properties. Altern Med Rev. 1999 Jun;4(3):170-7. Patrick J.D. Bouic, PhD and Johan H. Lamprecht, MD.

    Is There A Natural Antiviral For Cats?

    Olive Leaf Extract For Cats - A natural antiviral for cats. This antibacterial herbal remedy has been used since ancient times to support a healthy immune system. Helpful for cat herpes symptoms and other feline viruses, including feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline calicivirus. Olive Leaf Extract has antiviral properties that can interfere with viral replication. It is a natural antimicrobial that can destroy bacteria and fungi that can cause respiratory infections. Olive Leaf Extract for cats contains protective polyphenols to help improve immune function and offer powerful antioxidant protection. Olive Leaf Extract is one of the best anti-virals for cats. Helpful for a variety of immune and respiratory conditions. Made in the USA.

    How To Prevent The Spread of Feline Viruses

    Feline viruses are highly contagious. Here are a few things you can do to help prevent the spread of feline herpesvirus, FeLV, FIV and FCV:

    • Keep your cat indoors. Infections are commonly transmitted through cat bites, so keeping your kitty indoors can protect them from any potentially infected cats.

    • Avoid close contact with other cats. Viruses are highly contagious and spread quickly in places like shelters and catteries.

    • Keep your cat's environment clean. Cleaning can reduce the number of viral particles present. Keeping the litter box and feeding area clean can also reduce the risk of secondary infections.

    • Get your cat vaccinated. Vaccinations help a cat's own immune system develop protection against specific diseases such as calicivirus or feline leukemia.


    "My name is Fred. At 13, my parents FINALLY found relief for my chronic flare-ups of the feline viruses---like Herpes. I would start sneezing and then have secondary infections and have to go on traditional meds and the cycle would continue...(not to mention the tummy upsets that I would have from the traditional meds.) Now, my mom gives me NOT Drops and QUENT Drops drops, just mixed into a little food and I am not so congested. Wish they had found this sooner - but, I am a very happy, satisfied customer in North Carolina. I also use the Silver Immune Support spray when needed and it works wonderful." - Deborah, Fred's Mom

    Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)

    Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), often called feline AIDS or cat HIV, is a retrovirus spread primarily through deep bite wounds, making outdoor, unneutered males most at risk. FIV is not contagious to people or other animals, and transmission between household cats that get along is rare. Despite myths, FIV-positive cats can live normal lives with proper care, including a low-carbohydrate, novel-protein diet and immune support supplements.

    FIV weakens a cat’s immune system over time, making them more susceptible to infections. The virus progresses slowly, with three stages: acute (fever, lethargy), latent (dormant), and terminal (severe infections or cancer). Regular vet visits and supplements like the Immune Support Kit, Immune Harmony and Power Probiotic can help manage symptoms.

    Early FIV diagnosis through an ELISA test can support your cat's immune health. Keeping your FIV-positive cat indoors reduces exposure to secondary infections and prevents the spread of the virus.

    Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)

    Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a highly contagious virus that weakens a cat's immune system, making them vulnerable to other illnesses. Many FeLV-positive cats succumb to secondary infections within a few years. Anemia is common, and FeLV is also the leading cause of cancer in cats. The virus spreads through saliva, milk, urine, feces, and nasal secretions, often via shared food bowls or litter boxes, and affects only cats.

    FeLV can remain undetected in its early stages (primary viremia) before progressing to secondary viremia, where it invades the bone marrow. Early testing and immune support can help some FeLV-positive cats live normal lives. The virus infects 2-3% of cats in the US, with higher rates among kittens, outdoor cats, and those already ill.

    Feline Calicivirus Treatment At Home

    Feline calicivirus (FCV) is a highly contagious viral infection that affects cats, impacting the respiratory tract, mouth, intestines, and musculoskeletal system. Common symptoms include upper respiratory infections (sneezing, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis), mouth ulcers, inflammation, and fatigue. Ulcers can cause pain, leading to difficulty eating and anorexia. FCV may also result in painful joint inflammation and chronic gingivitis or stomatitis.

    The virus spreads through saliva and secretions, often thriving in shelters and multi-cat households. It can survive on surfaces for up to a month, making disinfection essential. While humans cannot contract FCV, they can spread it to cats through contaminated surfaces. Home treatments, including supplements and a low-carbohydrate, novel-protein diet, can help manage symptoms. New strains of FCV are common due to the virus's ability to mutate.

    What Is The Best Cat Food For Cats With Feline Herpes & Other Viruses?

    Cats thrive on a hypoallergenic, low-carbohydrate diet. This doesn't just mean eliminating grains typically found in dry food. Grain-free is a sure improvement, but many grain-free dry foods contain starchy carbohydrates to reduce the cost of cat food. Cats are carnivores, and feeding them starchy carbohydrates has the potential to weaken their immune system.

    To strengthen your cat's immunity, feeding a hypoallergenic, low-carbohydrate diet with a novel protein is helpful. Many quality pet foods, even "holistic brands," contain too many starchy carbohydrates that convert to sugar, weakening your cat's immune system.

    Please include your cat's diet and treats on the order form at checkout, along with your kitty's health issues. Based on our extensive experience helping cats with viruses, we will include a diet suggestion on the packing slip that comes with the product directions.