Dog Brain Supplement | Cognitive Support For Dogs
60 capsules - EXCELLENT VALUE!!
Formulated for dogs over 6 pounds
Dog Brain Booster capsules must be opened and divided for small pets under 30 pounds.
What Is Dog Brain Booster?
Dog Brain Booster is a veterinary-recommended dog brain supplement formulated to support brain health and reduce symptoms associated with doggie dementia. As dogs age, they may start to lose awareness, become confused or forgetful and show increased anxiety and restlessness. Dog Brain Booster contains powerful, science-based brain nutrients to boost cognitive abilities, memory and mental sharpness in aging dogs.
Science-Backed Ingredients for Brain Health in Dogs
Dog Brain Booster is packed with premium, scientifically proven ingredients like known for enhancing brain function. Here’s how they work:
Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL - Boosts energy production in brain cells and helps to protect neurons.
Phosphatidylserine - Supports memory and learning by maintaining healthy brain cell membranes.
Ginkgo Biloba - Improves blood flow to the brain and has antioxidant properties that protect against cellular damage.
Citicoline & L-alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine - Boosts levels of acetylcholine, a key chemical for memory and focus. Helps dogs stay alert and engaged.
These ingredients have been tested for their purity and effectiveness, ensuring that your dog gets the best brain support possible.
Dog Brain Booster can benefit dogs with the following conditions:
Changes in your dog’s brain function occur very slowly. Small changes in behavior and daily routine, such as sleeping more and seeming disconnected, can progress to confusion, disorientation, anxiety, irritability and sundown syndrome. According to research*, the pathological changes found in the brains of dogs with canine cognitive dysfunction are similar to the changes found in human brains of those with dementia and Alzheimer’s.
The dog may seem to lose its normal personality and be far less engaged. While this may be very hard for a pet owner to accept, the situation is not a lost cause. At Ask Ariel, we feel your sadness and heartbreak, as we’ve experienced this same situation ourselves. However, we were able to use supplements and techniques to help our own dog, Whitey. Click here to read Whitey's story.
Due to advances in veterinary medicine and improved owner care, many dogs are living longer lives. This has helped to increase awareness of doggie dementia, but as many as 85% of cases remain undiagnosed. Dogs diagnosed with canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) can greatly benefit from Dog Brain Booster. The natural levels of phospholipids, cholines and nutrients decline as your dog ages. The ingredients in canine cognitive dysfunction supplements, like in our Dog Brain Booster, can help slow mitochondrial decay and cellular aging, thereby slowing cognitive decline.
Does your senior dog seem confused at night? Sundown syndrome in dogs is one of the most recognizable signs of doggie dementia. Many dogs with dementia sleep during the day and then become anxious or confused at night, displaying odd behavior such as pacing or walking in circles, barking or vocalizing constantly, agitation, aggression and neediness. Dog Brain Booster is an effective dog dementia supplement and treatment for sundowners syndrome in dogs. When combined with Happy Paws Drops, a natural hemp extract that promotes relaxation, the two formulas can help regulate your dog’s sleep cycle and improve the symptoms of sundown syndrome.
Special SAMe can also help to regulate the sleep-wake cycle and may help pets (especially seniors) with mental confusion and dementia. Over the years, many clients have reported that their senior dogs have more energy and an increased bounce in their step after taking Special SAMe. As dogs age, their natural levels of S-Adenosyl methionine begins to decline. SAMe is essential for the synthesis of choline and melatonin. Choline supports brain and nerve function, and melatonin regulates sleep. Both our Special SAMe and Dog Brain Booster are natural canine dementia treatments that can help your dog feel better.
*Reference: Journal of Comparative Pathology, Volume 145, Issue 1, July 2011. Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Comparison of the Brain of Human Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and the Brain of Aged Dogs with Cognitive Dysfunction
A stroke occurs when the blood supply to your dog’s head or spinal cord is abnormal. Strokes typically show no warning signs and occur spontaneously. Common symptoms of a stroke that has occurred in the brain are a sudden loss of balance, blindness or seizures. Severe strokes may cause sudden limb weakness or paralysis of limbs.
Diseases such as heart disease, Cushing’s disease, diabetes, hypothyroidism and cancer can make your dog more likely to have a stroke. Long-term use of steroids can also increase the risk. Most dogs that have strokes can recover. It is important to keep your dog’s brain healthy after a stroke. The antioxidant-rich ingredients in Dog Brain Booster can help to enhance brain health and blood flow.
The symptoms of vestibular disease, also called “old dog disease,” are often mistaken for a stroke or brain tumor. A dog may exhibit rapid, uncontrolled eye movement (called nystagmus - the hallmark of vestibular disease), a head tilt, difficulty standing and maintaining balance, turning in circles and/or nausea. The vertigo symptoms can be pretty intense, especially in older dogs. Many times they have little or no appetite and thirst drive and are unable to go outside to potty. Most dogs improve within a few days, but full recovery can take weeks. The nutrients in Dog Brain Booster can help to protect the cellular makeup of the brain.
- Brain Tumor or Brain Cancer
A canine brain tumor is a mass inside your dog’s cranial cavity, and it may be cancerous or noncancerous. There are different levels of malignancy, and depending on the level, the treatment options will vary. Brain tumors are more common in older dogs but can also develop in younger pets.
It is important to know the signs of a brain tumor, as the symptoms will vary based on the location. Forebrain tumors may cause changes to learned behavior, constant circling or pacing, decreased awareness and seizures. Brain stem tumors may affect motor function, possibly causing a head tilt, leaning and falling to the side, circling, rapid eye movement and loss of appetite. Cerebellum tumors may affect the coordination of movements, resulting in an uncoordinated gait (goosestepping or hypermetria), head tremors, swaying and a wide stance.
The options for treating brain tumors usually include surgical removal, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and palliative treatment of the symptoms. Most brain tumors can be treated but not cured. The goal should be to maintain and extend a good quality of life for your dog.
- Neurological Problems Affecting the Central Nervous System
The nervous system is comprised of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles. As your dog ages, it may start to show changes in behavior or temperament, balance problems or spinal pain. As pet owners, we may write these changes off as “old age.” These gradual changes may in fact signal the start of a neurological disease.
As a dog ages, its brain cells will start to atrophy or die off. This will lead to a gradual loss of brain function. The natural level of neurotransmitters will also decrease with age, slowing brain response time. Most dogs will also have an increased accumulation of beta amyloid plaques, a naturally occurring protein that disrupts cell function.
Dogs with neurologic conditions, such as muscle tremors, loss of coordination and nerve or spinal injuries, can benefit from the phospholipids and antioxidants in Dog Brain Booster.
Focal seizures come from a specific area of the brain and affect a single side of the body or a specific body part. Your dog may exhibit unusual movement (paddling a limb, chewing motions, facial twitches), fear, pupil dilation, drooling or vomiting. Focal seizures can spread to both sides of the brain and become generalized seizures. Most generalized seizures involve involuntary muscle movements, impaired awareness, salivation, urination and/or defecation.
Health conditions such as brain tumors, hypothyroidism or advanced liver or kidney disease can cause seizures. Having your dog thoroughly checked for other health issues is important. Age is also a factor. A dog may have an occasional seizure as a young pup but then develop more frequent seizures as an adult dog. Knowing what can trigger a seizure in your dog can often reduce their frequency. By feeding a seizure-appropriate diet and adding natural supplements, you should be able to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures. Dog Brain Booster contains two of the most powerful and beneficial natural brain nutrients, phosphatidylserine and Acetyl-L-carnitine, to support and nurture brain health. It is helpful for dogs with focal seizures and quite beneficial for dogs with brain tumors that can cause seizures.
- Degenerative Myelopathy & Motor Coordination Issues
As dogs age, they begin to lose fine motor skills and experience decreased energy levels. Ataxia in dogs is the clinical term for the loss of coordination or unbalanced gait due to sensory dysfunction. Some older dogs may appear to be drunk. Some senior dogs begin to experience stumbling when they walk, or their paws may seem to curl under. Scuffing of the feet, worn toenails and paws that are dirty on the top can indicate a neurological condition.
Degenerative myelopathy (DM) is a progressive neurological disorder in dogs that affects the spinal cord and hind limbs. It can result in muscle atrophy, weakness, and difficulty walking. DM shares similarities with other motor coordination issues, including spinal cord injuries and intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), as they all impact a dog's movement and hind limb coordination. While other motor coordination issues can arise suddenly and may have specific causes, degenerative myelopathy has a progressive degenerative nature.
Knuckling and scuffing are often the first signs of degenerative myelopathy in dogs. These gait abnormalities arise due to hind limb weakness and impaired proprioception (body positioning and movement). Knuckling refers to the dog's inability to place its paws correctly, often leading to an abnormal posture and gait. Scuffing refers to dragging or scraping the paws on the ground while walking, resulting from a lack of proper coordination and muscle control in the hind limbs.
While there is no cure for degenerative myelopathy, physical therapy focusing on exercises to maintain muscle mass and assistive devices like harnesses can aid in mobility. Pets with motor coordination issues typically also have arthritis and/or joint pain. Dog Brain Booster can enhance mental recovery and support motor skills, while natural supplements like Amazing Omegas fish oil and K9 CurcuMagic can help reduce inflammation and treat the aches and pains of aging.
Knuckling & Scuffing
Ingredients Scientifically Proven to Promote Dog Brain Health & Mental Support For Old Dogs
Many brain support supplements contain phosphatidylserine or gingko biloba and are loaded with fillers. Dog Brain Booster is the best brain-boosting supplement for dogs as it has a premium blend of scientifically proven brain nutrients and antioxidants. All ingredients are third-party tested for purity and efficacy. Dog Brain Booster contains Acetyl L-carnitine HCL, citicoline, L-alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine, phosphatidylserine and ginkgo biloba. The product is vegetarian and gluten-free. Dog Brain Booster is a powder-filled capsule that can be opened and mixed into food or given as a whole capsule. Please see our detailed ingredient list below.
A Note About Storage: Dog Brain Booster contains all natural ingredients without preservatives. To help minimize exposure to moisture and humidity, we suggest leaving the foil seal on the bottle intact and making a small hole, just large enough for the capsules to fall through. This may help reduce the risk of hardening or degradation over time. If you have a small pet, you will need to open and divide the capsules.
Please note that proper storage is still important, and even with this method, some capsules may be affected in humid environments and may be unusable after a few months. Please consider Happy Paws Drops as an alternative for calming, pain and inflammation.
Dog Brain Booster Ingredients:
One capsule contains:
Acetyl L-Carnitine HCL 250 mg
Citicoline 125 mg L-alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine (from highly refined soy lecithin) 100 mg
Coffee fruit concentrate (Coffea arabica)(whole fruit) 50 mg
Phosphatidylserine (from sunflower lecithin) 50 mg
Ginkgo Extract (Ginkgo biloba)(leaf) [standardized to contain 24% ginkgoflavonglycosides and 5.4% terpene lactones] 50mg
Other Ingredients: Cellulose (capsule), dicalcium phosphate, vegetable stearate, silicon dioxide, tricalcium phosphate.
NO gluten
Acetyl L-carnitine HCL - Important for brain function and muscle movement. Helps to protect the efficiency of the mitochondrial function in the brain and prevent the production of free radicals that cause cell damage. Also transports out the toxic compounds formed during energy production.
Citicoline - Critical for healthy brain function and cognition. Citicoline has been clinically studied to support mental energy and focus. Neuroprotective - maintains membrane integrity.
Alpha-GPC (L-alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine) - A precursor to acetylcholine and can cross the blood-brain barrier to directly support brain function. It helps improve memory, focus, and processing speed. Alpha-GPC supports cell membrane health and repair, which is important as cells naturally weaken with age.
Coffee Fruit Concentrate - An all-natural extract of whole fruit from the Coffea arabica plant. It contains polyphenols that have been shown in a clinical study to stimulate the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a key neuroprotein involved in overall brain health. BDNF has been widely reported to play a critical role in neuronal development, maintenance and repair and provide protection against neuro-degeneration.
Phosphatidylserine - A phospholipid that covers and protects the cells in the brain and carries messages between them. The natural level of this substance in the brain decreases with age. Helps to improve cognition and keep the mind sharp.
Ginkgo - Antioxidant that studies show may help to slow the progression of dementia. Reduces the density of free radicals.
Dog Brain Booster Benefits Dogs With:
- Focal Seizures
- Dementia, memory loss
- Nerve damage
- Brain tumors
- Canine cognitive dysfunction
- Vestibular disease
"Our beloved 17 year old Samoyed mix, Puma, suffered a stroke in July of 2018. Though he survived, both my husband and I noticed that he began a slow decline after the stroke, having less energy, being listless, and bumping into stuff. He seemed to be fading away from us. Enter Dog Brain Booster by Ask Ariel and Puma has a smile on his face again, bounce in his step, and is enjoying life again! Thank you, Ask Ariel for making such a miraculous product!" - Evie, Indiana
"When my JRT Jester was around 15 1/2 years old, I noticed he was circling a lot, always to the left, standing in the corner, head to the wall. He was getting himself "stuck", he thought, when just backing up or turning the other direction would have gotten him out. Prior to these symptoms I had been seeing slowly progressing age-related vision and hearing loss, even though he was still very lively, everything at full-throttle, well into his teens. His circling behavior got so persistent he would circle for what seemed an hour or two, sometimes faster and faster, until he would collapse from exhaustion. When he was awake it was as if "the lights are on but no one is home" as they say. Heartbreaking.
I researched his symptoms and quickly realized I was seeing CCD, Canine Cognitive Disorder, AKA Doggie Dementia. What a gut-punch. He has never been sick. No significant medical issues other than a corneal ulcer, once, which is amazing for such a lively little "dirt dog", always head-first into everything. So durable and tough. He goes to the best Holistic Vet in the world, eats raw, not over-vaccinated or medicated. Always organic, all the right supplements. How could this happen? Doesn't matter. What matters is what can I do for him?
I was grateful for all the available information online, and stumbled across Ask Ariel. I checked to see what was available for CCD symptoms and read the testimonials of the Dog Brain Booster users. I was familiar with many of the other products available from the site, as my Vet would prescribe many of those same sorts of things, so I decided to give it a try.
Based on Jester's description (they ask you some background info on your situation) it was suggested that Jester take 1/3 capsule, once a day. It did help some, but over the past year I have been slowly increasing it, trying it twice a day, a slightly greater amount twice a day. Now, a year later, he is taking half a capsule, twice a day. NO MORE CIRCLING. He is fully aware of what's going on around him. He is 16 1/2 now and showing his age more in several other ways, which we are managing. Dog Brain Booster does work. It gave me my little "dude" back, and I thank you so much. Jester thanks you too!" - Maura, New Jersey
Laz & Wiggles
"My boys are getting up in age (13years!) and they are slowing down ... I also noticed that Laz (the upside down dog) was seeming to show signs of cognitive decline. I stepped up the interactive games and puzzles for him and added Ask Ariel's
Dog Brain Booster and I'm thrilled that he is back to his goofy self. It's scary when there are changes in our loved ones, and having a high quality supplement that really makes a difference means the world to us - thank you Ask Ariel!!!" - Marie, New York
"I have been using
Dog Brain Booster for about two months with great results with my 16 1/2 year old Aussie, Pancho. He has been showing classic signs of dementia like pacing, sleeplessness at night, getting stuck in corners, etc. The worst part was his disconnect and almost total lack of interaction with us. I tried medications which did nothing to help. I tried other supplements which relaxed him but caused him to have more pottying accidents. Finally I tried the Brain Booster. His dementia is so much better. He paces less, sleeps most of the night, and is able to make it through the night to potty in the morning (we put tarps on the floor because of night time accidents). Best of all he is interacting with us and is more responsive and alert. Now when I pet him or hug him he responds instead of ignoring it. Even his chiropractor has noticed the change in him. I just wanted to let you know that this product works and has improved the quality of life for all of us." - Rory, Pennsylvania
"I recently purchased your products to help my 16-18 year old rescue dog Rudy with his cognitive decline. He would be up all night pacing, getting stuck in corners and unhappy. He’s such a cute dog with a wonderful jovial personality so seeing him so unhappy broke my heart. I started my dog out slowly. After 48 hours, I started noticing a difference. He was more alert, less anxious and started sleeping through the night. Now he’s on the full regimen and he’s almost 100% himself again. I am amazed at the difference these products have made. It’s been 2 weeks and the difference is amazing. I have my happy-go-lucky prancing boy back. I know because of his age we don’t have a lot of time together, but by using your products, these twilight years look like they will be a lot happier. Thank you!!!" - Laurie, Maryland
Products Rudy uses are: Amazing Omegas, Special SAMe, PSY-stabil Calming Drops, Brain Booster, and Happy Paws Drops.
Pretty Boy
"I'm writing to tell you that with the help of your supplements, my dog Pretty Boy just turned 17! About four years ago, Pretty Boy started experiencing a chronic cough. At the time, he was taking supplements from another company. He was diagnosed with heart disease and put on conventional medication. I continued with the supplements previously mentioned but I wasn't satisfied with the quality so I decided to search for another source. That's when I found Ask Ariel. Pretty Boy is taking Power Probiotic, Amazing Omegas, Gastro ULC, LypoZyme, Soothing Digestive Relief (when necessary) Dog Brain Booster, Kidney Health, Renelix, Purrfect Pet COQ10, along with his conventional medications to address his heart condition, kidney disease and chronic pancreatitis. Although this seems like a lot of supplements, the combination (with my holistic vet's approval) works well for him and keeps him full of energy. The supplements are all very high quality and with patience and time, really do work. My favorite is the Gastro ULC. Within a couple of weeks, I was able to wean him off of his twice daily administration of Pepcid for his acid stomach due to kidney disease. His digestive woes have all been diminished with the addition of the LypoZyme and Power Probiotic. Thank you for always taking the time to answer my many emails and for your suggestions. My resilient little man means the world to me and I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep him healthy and happy." - Erin, New York
"Sophie, our sweet boxer, is now 14 years old. Boxers generally only live 8 - 10 years. Thanks to Ask Ariel's diet and supplement program, Sophie is going strong physically and mentally. As many senior dogs do, Sophie started to act confused, was barking for no reason. It seemed like she had dementia and would sometimes appear as though she were "drunk" which affects some senior dogs. She appeared to not even know that she was barking. She would get anxious, confused and stressed. Our veterinarian diagnosed her with Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) and also vestibular disease. We tried the
Dog Brain Booster for healthy brain function and we got our Sophie back within just a few days. She is once again playing with our other boxer and the barking has stopped. We would not have our Sophie with us today if it wasn't for Ask Ariel's diet and supplements." - Karen, California
"Thank you for the amazing supplements you provide. We see a tremendous improvement in the lives of all our cats and dogs! They have more energy and are far healthier. Subsequently we spend a lot less time at the veterinary office. With your supplements we are looking forward to having our babies with us for many more years! The picture attached is of my Lab mix Julie. Just shy of her 3rd birthday, she was diagnosed with epilepsy. The day after the test came back we went online to email you guys about her condition. We bought everything that was recommended and a year later we've been seizure free and have seen a remarkable improvement in her attitude and energy She is taking her
Dog Brain Booster, Purrfect Pet CoQ10, K9 CurcuMagic, EFA oils, and probiotics daily. She is only 3 years old and is the sweetest girl! Thank you for giving me many more healthy years with her!" - Malena, Hawaii
"Carson, my beloved 14 year old Jindo Chow, was showing signs of extreme dementia. He was pacing all night, barking at nothing and exhibiting other odd and upsetting behavior. His quality-of-life was terrible and my husband and I were at our wits end… no sleep and just so worried. We tried prescription medications and while they helped his dementia for a while, the side effects almost killed him. We did not know where to turn until a friend recommended Ask Ariel’s
Dog Brain Booster. OMG, what a difference it has made… it is a miracle herb. Carson has no more dementia traits; he sleeps thru the night, doesn't bark at nothing, and all his other dementia behaviors have disappeared. I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't living it, but it is like I said a miracle supplement. I could not be happier and my husband and I also have our lives back. No words can express our gratitude. Thank you Ask Ariel!!!" - Michelle, California
"My white husky Spirit is a special needs dog who is blind, hearing impaired and actually narcoleptic (falls asleep instantly!!). When Spirit was just a tiny puppy, his breeder discovered that he was deaf and blind and discarded him on a highway by dropping him out of the car. A Good Samaritan saved him and he eventually made it to our rescue. Spirit had frequent, uncontrollable and unpredictable episodes of instant sleep activity but thanks to the
Dog Brain Booster, he rarely has an episode and is happy in his own little world. When Spirit came to me, I emailed Ask Ariel to find out what to give him to possibly help these episodes.. He was only 7 weeks old then and we didn't even know if Spirit would make it. They recommended the Amazing Omegas and Dog Brain Booster for Spirit and after my vet reviewed the information, we decided to try it. Spirit has not had any problems or side effects with the products and it has helped control and reduce the frequency and duration of his neurological problems. The problems have also become much less frequent." - Rhonda, California
"I just wanted to provide an update on my poodle Butters who I started on
Brain Booster about a month ago because he seemed to have dementia. He is so much better!!! He is sleeping until 5 or 6 in the morning, he seems more at ease and he is initiating play with his sister!! They are both 13 going on 14 (I actually thought he was going to be 15) and doing so well. I am not positive he has dementia or ever had because the most he did was sometimes stare into space sometimes. He doesn't have any other symptoms at all. But the Brain Booster pills have improved his spirit so much. We will continue to take these!! Thank you so much." - Mary, California
"I received your
Dog Brain Booster for my 16 yo terrier mix, Willie, several weeks ago and the results have been amazing. Recently, Willie was exhibiting what I referred to as doggie dementia. He was anxious, would wander around the house like he was lost, was urinating in the house and at night would be pacing until we went to bed. He has been taking your Brain Booster for approximately 3 weeks and is like a new dog. He's more alert, has less wandering and anxiety and few or no accidents in the house. He was a rescue 8 years ago and has always been very shy and afraid but he seems calmer and a little more loving. Thank you for your product!!" - Jackie, Alabama
"My sweet, beautiful Rudley has had tummy issues since he was a puppy. With Ask Ariel's help, we put him on a raw diet and have used their supplements: Amazing Omegas and Power Probiotic all these years. He will soon be eleven years old and he’s been very healthy.
Recently, he started getting us up in the night to go outside and wanted to eat grass or bushes! He was agitated and couldn’t seem to get comfortable. After lab work and vet visits that showed he was healthy, I decided it was time for him to go back on Ask Ariel’s digestive protocol. I had to assume that he was having acid reflux in the night. After only three days on K9 Digestive and Gastro ULC, Rudley was sleeping through the night again and back to his happy self! We also added the Brain Booster since he is a senior citizen!
Thank you Ask Ariel for always being there for us. I’m convinced that your supplements (and diet suggestions) have kept Rudley from ever having an ear or skin infection." - Pam, California