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Natural Remedies For Lupus In Dogs

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects dogs and can be challenging to diagnose due to its varied symptoms. Lupus in dogs occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells and tissues, leading to inflammation and tissue damage. This condition can manifest in various ways and can be challenging to diagnose and manage. The two most common forms are discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Types of Lupus in Dogs

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is the more widespread and serious form of lupus in dogs. It can affect multiple organs and systems in the body, including the skin, joints, kidneys, blood cells, and other tissues. Your dog may experience, joint pain and swelling, fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, skin rashes, oral ulcers, lameness, enlarged lymph nodes, and kidney problems.

Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) primarily affects the skin, particularly around the face, ears, and nose. Dogs with DLE typically develop skin lesions, ulcers, crusting, and depigmentation in these areas. An early sign is pigment loss in the nose progressing to cracking & ulcerations. DLE can also affect lips, ears and feet. Sun exposure worsens the condition. Unlike SLE, canine Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) does not involve systemic inflammation or organ damage. It is considered less severe but can still cause discomfort and cosmetic changes in affected dogs.

What Are Canine Lupus Symptoms?

husky dog with discoid lupus erythematosus nose crusting and inflamed eye ulcers lesions The symptoms of lupus in dogs can vary depending on which form is present.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Symptoms
Fever that comes and goes
Lameness, joint pain, and swelling
Lethargy or fatigue
Loss of appetite and weight loss
Skin lesions or sores, especially on areas exposed to the sun (face, ears, nose)
Kidney issues, leading to excessive thirst and urination
Anemia or other blood-related abnormalities

Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) Symptoms (Primarily skin-related)
Nasal depigmentation (loss of color on the nose)
Lesions and ulcers on the nose, lips, and ears
Crusting and scabbing of affected skin areas
Hair loss around affected areas
Sensitivity to sunlight

A Holistic Approach To Managing Lupus In Dogs

Certain breeds, like German Shepherds, Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, Poodles, Beagles, Siberian Huskies, and German Shorthaired Pointers may be more likely to develop lupus, but genetics is only one part. Environmental factors and immune system issues also contribute to the development of lupus in dogs. A holistic approach to managing lupus in dogs involves considering your pet's overall health and well-being as well as their environment. While holistic methods should not replace conventional veterinary care, they can complement traditional treatments and improve the dog's quality of life. Here are several ways a holistic approach can help dogs with lupus:

    Diet For Dogs With Lupus - Feeding a low carbohydrate, hypoallergenic protein diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation. You can incorporate omega-3 fatty acids into your dog's diet by adding fish oil, baked fish or canned sardines (packed in water) into their meals. Antioxidants in vegetables such as okra, leafy greens, asparagus and squash contain prebiotic fibers that can support a healthy immune system. Avoid high glycemic foods (e.g. dog biscuits, treats made with sugar or molasses) because they can potentially trigger a flare-up and exacerbate your dog's symptoms.

    Stress Reduction - Stress can exacerbate symptoms of autoimmune diseases like lupus. Providing a calm and stable environment for the dog, minimizing stressors, and incorporating relaxation techniques such as massage or acupuncture can help reduce stress and promote overall well-being. CBD oil can also be helpful for stressed pets.

    shetland dog with lupus Skin Care - Lupus can make a dog’s skin extremely sensitive, particularly around the face, ears, and nose, where lesions often appear. Sun exposure can worsen symptoms, so it's important to limit time outdoors during peak sunlight and use pet-safe sunscreens to protect sensitive areas. When bathing your dog, use mild, hypoallergenic shampoos and avoid irritating chemicals that could worsen the skin condition. Check your dog’s skin regularly for any changes in symptoms and to help manage flare-ups.

    Exercise - Engage your dog in regular exercise to maintain muscle tone and joint health. Avoid overexertion as that can cause stress. Moderate exercise can not only make your dog happy, help them maintain a healthy weight, but can also contribute to their overall well being.

    Regular Veterinary Visits - Dogs with lupus require extra attention and care to prevent infections and worsening of symptoms. Be sure to schedule regular vet visits as getting ahead of any potential complications can yield the best results. Sometimes dogs with lupus and autoimmune diseases may develop unusual symptoms that may seem unrelated but are actually part of the overall syndrome, so it's important to stay on top of these potential health issues working with your veterinarian.

    Supplements - Certain supplements may benefit dogs with lupus by supporting immune function and reducing inflammation. These may include omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, plant sterols, and probiotics. However, it's essential to consult with a veterinarian before adding supplements to ensure they are safe and appropriate for the dog's condition.

Plant Sterols For Dogs With Lupus

plant sterols for dogs with lupus
Immune Harmony - The plant sterols in Immune Harmony aid in sustaining immune balance by providing support to weakened immune systems (such as those battling chronic viruses, infections, or cancer) and by moderating hyperactive immune responses, common in autoimmune disorders like lupus. It is a core natural remedy for treating dogs with lupus.

Here's how plant sterols may potentially help dogs with lupus:

    Immune Modulation - Plant sterols have been shown to modulate the immune response by influencing the production and activity of certain immune cells and cytokines. In dogs with lupus, whose immune systems are overactive and may be attacking healthy tissues, plant sterols could help restore balance and reduce autoimmune reactions.

    Anti-inflammatory Effects - Inflammation is a key feature of lupus, contributing to tissue damage and symptoms such as joint pain and skin lesions. Plant sterols have demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties which could help alleviate inflammation associated with lupus and reduce the severity of symptoms.

    Cardiovascular Support - Lupus can increase the risk of cardiovascular complications in dogs, including heart disease and hypertension. Plant sterols have been shown to lower cholesterol levels and support cardiovascular health in humans, which may be beneficial for dogs with lupus, especially if they have concurrent cardiovascular issues.

    Antioxidant Activity - Some plant sterols possess antioxidant properties, helping to neutralize harmful free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. This could be particularly beneficial for dogs with lupus, as oxidative stress is believed to contribute to tissue damage and inflammation in autoimmune diseases.

    Gut Health - Plant sterols may also support gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and maintaining the integrity of the intestinal barrier. A healthy gut microbiome is essential for proper immune function and may help modulate the immune response in dogs with lupus. Probiotics can also help with gut health.


"My Bear started suffering from hair loss around his eyes, peeling and cracking of his nose and areas on his back and sides with hair loss. He loved to lay in the sun and with his light fur and red-colored nose, the scabbing would often start bleeding. We went to our regular vet several times and even went to a veterinary dermatologist. Bear was on one antibiotic after another. They would only help him short term. As soon as the antibiotics were finished, it would come back worse than before. His immune system was a wreck and he even came down with canine MRSP (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Pseudintermedius)...like MRSA in people. After almost a year, Bear was finally diagnosed with lupus and it all started to make sense.

Our approach wasn't working, so we started looking for something more natural. By incorporating probiotics, plant sterols, and a few other supplements (fish oil and curcumin), we were able to help manage Bear's symptoms and boost his immune system. We are so grateful for the positive impact the supplements had on Bear's quality of life." - Bella, California

Article published Nov 16, 2019
Article updated Sep 5, 2024
Written by: Susan Davis, Pet Health Nutritionist, CCN
All pet treatment protocols and pet treatment supplements have been reviewed and approved by a veterinarian